Thirty years

Kicking off a New Year, I’m not really one for making resolutions. If I want to do something, or change something, I don’t see why I should wait for it. Maybe I’ll spend a little time planning it, for sure, but I’ll do it or plan it now.

Life is busy. Everyone is busy. Time is running away from us all, and it feels like it’s running quicker than ever. So with a new year, I think it’s time that I don’t make a resolution but rather a commimtment to my friends and those I hold close to me.

Going in to this year I want to spend more time on those relationships; closing off the world to spend time with those people, for the serious side of life but also the fun side. Ever wondered what your friends would do in a zombie apocalypse or where they’d go? The best concert they’ve ever been to?

Cold-posting on my blog isn’t a very public commitment, but this is more for me, hopefully the results will speak for themselves. Of course some people (hey all two of you, heyy, thanks for stopping by! 👋🏼) will read the blog and they’re more than welcome to chase me down and make sure I follow through. Finding time for friends will also, hopefully, help me find time to write more. Far too much I’ve forgotten already in and little tidbits come through, which I write down somewhere. Every photo (over 37,000 so far… just in the camera roll) I take I try remember the backstory of, helped thanks to all the EXIF data but also taking notes. Even with a myriad of devices, even when I’m at a conference taking photos of slide decks and making notes, I struggle to write that up in to long form content that others can hopefully enjoy.

So in 2025 that’s going to change. One blog post last year, that never left the drafts. One blog post already in 2025. Next year, well, we’ll see 😊
