Recent Posts

Lock, stock, and an unsmoked wallet

I’m the kind of person that finds stocks, shares, and financial instruments interesting. If I didn’t go in to tech, I still probably wouldn’t have gone in to...

Thirty years

Kicking off a New Year, I’m not really one for making resolutions. If I want to do something, or change something, I don’t see why I should wait for it. Mayb...

What does the console actually do?

The AWS Console is in my opinion a cornerstone of the AWS ecosystem. Some laud it’s simplicity, some rank it at the bottom for usability. Undoubtedly, it’s ...

Roaming around with Sonos

Music is a massive part of my home. There are more hours where music is played than where music isn’t played, and yes even when sleeping there is music. Or a...

CD-Okay that’s how you do custom resources

Recently I’ve needed to use [CDK Custom Resources][cdk-custom-resources] and they’re slightly different from traditional CloudFormation Custom Resources. The...

Parameters, please

A great friend recently asked if I could help an individual in the CDK slack channel. This individual had a DynamoDB table in one CDK stack and wanted to dep...

New trainers

After 15 months of wearing my trainers three to four times a week for BODYCOMBAT, The Trip, and then in lockdown GRIT, BODYPUMP, even short runs, they asked...


It’s time for my annual post… just over a year since my last one. And wow, what a year and a bit it has been. I thought with the pandemic I’d have written mo...

Bastions on AWS

Sometimes your services and platforms on AWS still require you to have a network, even when you’re serverless. For the platform at work my team is responsibl...

On the range with CloudWatch Alarms 🚨

Recently at work I wanted a CloudWatch alarm that only fired when a metric value was between two other values; trying to be clever with CPU alarms. Looking a...

A whale in the alpine forests…

It all started on a bright Friday afternoon, I’d seen Jess Frazelle’s post about closing pull requests/patch requests when they’re just not quite right (The ...